Empower Tomorrow's Innovators!
Mom of a little boy, Logiscool Budaörs
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Have you decided what you want to do for your child's birthday? How about saving the world, creating their own worlds in Minecraft or Roblox, or letting their imagination run wild with a variety of creative challenges?
The birthday package includes: 2 hours of fun with a virtual escape room and other games (7-10 year olds can try "Interplanetary Mission" and 11-14 year olds can participate in "Planet Earth Epidemic") or 3 hours of fun with our workshops and other games ("Let's save the Internet", "Let's illustrate the world!", "This is your Minecraft world!" or "Let's create a Roblox game!")
- birthday decoration
- a gift from Logiscool for the birthday kid
- presence of a trainer and animator during the entire program
- if you wish you can bring cake, soft drinks and pizza
Contact us and request an offer! Phone: 0890 42 55 46; email: hello.geo.milev@logiscool.com
In case you do not find the suitable day or time for you, fill in the registration form, mention your preferred interval in the "Other comments" section and the school coordinator will contact you to find the best solution together.

Between December 9-15 2024, the #HourofCode initiative is offering kids around the world coding-related activities!
Logiscool Sofia Geo Milev also offers free DEMO lessons and Programming workshops for students grades 1- 6 related to this event.
We look forward to welcoming students and teachers from all schools in the area.
We are ready to visit any school and introduce students to the exciting world of programming.
Sign up today with your classmates and friends!
Meet our Team!

Logiscool Geo Milev opened in the summer of 2021 with a small yet highly dedicated team. Our goal is to inspire kids to become creators of the digital world, not just users. We are enthusiastic about teaching children the skills of the future and providing them with a space to learn, experiment, and create.
Our community of curious children grows every month. With our guidance, they will:
- explore the potential of the digital world and programming while creating their own computer games, animations, and various projects.
- develop their creative thinking and digital skills in our camps and workshops with topics such as video production, digital illustrations, creating applications, and more.
- have fun and make new friends in our different courses, programs, and events.
Behind all this stands our professional team of young, enthusiastic instructors. They support the kids with dedication in their activities.
Explore Our School and Experience Innovation Firsthand!
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