Mom of a little boy, Logiscool Budaörs
My child's knowledge in mathematics has become more stable since attending Logiscool. They're not just randomly pressing keys to shoot things, but actually learning and spending their time productively.

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Megnyitottuk a regisztrációt tavaszi félévünkre!
January 9, 2024

Újonnan csatlakozni kívánó diákjaink számára: több időpontban hirdetünk meg nyílt napokat, amelyeken ki tudjátok próbálni, hogy milyen is egy igazi Logiscool foglalkozás! További információkért keressetek Bennünket bizalommal e-mailben, vagy telefonon.

Idén nyáron is táborozz velünk!
May 2, 2023

Három vadonatúj tábortípus mellett az előző években már bevált és közkedvelt programokkal várjuk a gyermekeket nyári táborainkba! Robotok, Minecraft, strand, régi és új barátok, valamint cool hangulat várja a diákokat! Idén nyáron 4 héten keresztül hirdetjük meg táborainkat. Jelentkezz mielőbb, hogy le ne maradj!

Check out our Camps!

December 10, 2022
Our Digital Discovery course is the 'Best New Digital Course'!

September 20, 2022

July 29, 2022
Register with your child for our Open day!

March 21, 2022
Nyári táborok

Meet our Team!

Logiscool Kispest opened its doors in September 2017. We aim to introduce kids to the mysteries of programming and robotics. We teach our students to program in a playful manner, making them not just digital consumers but digital creators.

Some self-explanatory numbers from recent years:

  • More than 1,500 satisfied students have already joined our courses, camps, workshops, events and studied with us for years.
  • After finishing their "Scoolcode degree", many of our students have moved on to learn their second or third programming language.
  • We run our camps for 5 weeks every summer from video editing, to Minecraft, Roblox, and robotics.
  • In our creative workshops, our students were able to implement their ideas in a number of exciting digital areas.

Today, we can switch to online education with one click, where classes are just as useful and engaging as in the classroom.

Explore Our School and Experience Innovation Firsthand!

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