Mom of a little boy, Logiscool Budaörs
My child's knowledge in mathematics has become more stable since attending Logiscool. They're not just randomly pressing keys to shoot things, but actually learning and spending their time productively.

Stay updated with the Latest Community News!

The BIG DIGITAL ADVENTURE national competition
May 29, 2024

Congratulations to the enthusiastic teams of the Great Digital Adventure in grades 3-4 and 5-6!

This year, 2,712 children took part in Hungary's biggest digital team competition, solving playful puzzles and fun logic tasks.

Two teams from Pécs made it into the top 20 teams with the most points at the national level, and we will be cheering them on at the final results announcement!


Foglald le időben gyermeked táborhelyét, és élvezd a tavalyi árakat!
February 29, 2024

Gyermeked számára garantált felejthetetlen nyári kalandok várnak! Ne hagyd ki az akciónkat, mely 2024.április 30-ig érvényes.

Regisztrálj most és tegyél szert a tavalyi árakra a 2024-es táborainkban!

January 23, 2024
Our latest generative AI workshop for kids has arrived!

January 15, 2024
Tavaszi kurzusaink februárban indulnak!

December 15, 2023
Give the gift of knowledge for Christmas!

November 26, 2023
Celebrate your child's birthday at Logiscool!

October 9, 2023
Nyerj egy iPad10-et!

July 31, 2023
Szeptemberben indulunk!

March 1, 2023
Idén nyáron is táborozz velünk!

January 1, 2023
Februártól az első osztályosokat is várjuk!

December 10, 2022
Our Digital Discovery course is the 'Best New Digital Course'!

October 12, 2022
Iskolánk új helyszínre költözött!

September 20, 2022

August 15, 2022
Regisztrálj gyermekeddel nyílt napunkra!

May 6, 2022
Digitális Témahét

March 25, 2022
Fordított nap - regisztráció

March 21, 2022
Nyári táborok

March 8, 2022
Tavaszi workshopok

October 9, 2021
Pályaorientációs napok

February 25, 2021
BÜSZKESÉGEINK - Digital Mission Hero

February 25, 2021
BÜSZKESÉGEINK - Nemzetközi rajzpályázat

January 1, 2021
Parkolás a Konzum irodaház mélygarázsában

Meet our Team!

Logiscool Pécs aims to make programming and the acquisition of digital literacy available to students aged 7-18 in a new, creative way. During the learning process, children acquire logical, algorithmic thinking skills and the most important principles of programming in a fun and playful manner.

Electronic gadgets have become an everyday norm in many of our children’s lives. Sometimes, they use tablets, laptops, or smartphones more confidently than us. Therefore, we have to ask ourselves, if the time spent on these devices is utilized in a way that is beneficial for our children. We hope to help kids become conscious users of digital technologies, preparing them for the challenges of a digital world. Digitral literacy can also help kids and parents identify online threats, enabling them to be more conscious of their digital footprint.

We think we are on the right track. Why? Every year more and more students apply for our courses and camps. Our students study, camp with us for several years and their enthusiasm is constant. Our creative workshops are also open to students who are not only interested in programming, but are interested in other digital areas. Our instructors are university students who are up-to-date in the field of programming and digitalization, constantly educating themselves and passing this knowledge on to our students in their own child-friendly language.

We are proud of the community that has developed in our school, the friendships that fotrmed among the students within the groups, the parents who recognize the importance of digital literacy and start their child on this journey.

Explore Our School and Experience Innovation Firsthand!

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