Premios Nobel 2024: Pioneros de la IA Moderna
Una gran noticia en el ámbito científico: los Premios Nobel de Química y Física de 2024 han reconocido el poder de la IA. David Baker, Demis Hassabis y John Jumper recibieron el premio por usar la IA para predecir y diseñar proteínas, mientras que John Hopfield y Geoffrey Hinton fueron galardonados por su trabajo fundamental con las redes neuronales. Estos avances prometen un desarrollo más rápido de la medicina y una comprensión más profunda del papel de la IA en la tecnología. En Logiscool, nos inspiran estos logros y estamos comprometidos a enseñar a la próxima generación sobre el apasionante mundo de la ciencia y la IA.
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In January 2025, Meta Platforms announced the discontinuation of its third-party fact-checking program on Facebook and Instagram, opting instead for a user-driven "Community Notes" system similar to that of X (formerly Twitter). This shift has raised concerns among experts and users about the potential increase in misinformation and hate speech on these platforms. Critics argue that relying on user-generated content moderation may be less effective than professional fact-checking, potentially exacerbating the spread of false information. As online environments evolve, it becomes more important than ever to teach our children about fake news, hoaxes, safe internet use, and netiquette.

The film The Brutalist, which has garnered numerous Oscar nominations, used innovative AI technology to refine the Hungarian dialogue of its stars, Adrien Brody and Felicity Jones. By leveraging tools from Respeecher, AI adjusted specific vowels and letters to ensure native-like accuracy while preserving the authenticity of their performances. This creative use of AI demonstrates how technology is pushing boundaries in filmmaking, blending artistry with innovation. However, this creative approach has sparked debate about the role of AI in preserving artistic authenticity.