How coding languages will set your kids up for future success

28 Jan 2021

The world is more empowered by and reliant on technology than ever, and - as coding languages are developing - it's only going to head more in this direction in the future.

Kids grow up with digital devices in their hands and they know how to navigate through them before they can even read or write. Their future success strongly relies on how well they will be able to use digital assets. But will they be passive users of the digital environment or active creators of it? The key is teaching them how to use coding early on in life and preparing them for the world ahead.

The demand for IT experts keeps going up across the globe, but coding education prepares children for far more than a career in computer sciences. Coding teaches kids to think. It equips them with academic and soft skills that they will need in all areas of life, no matter which profession they choose to enter:

Algorithmic thinking

Algorithmic thinking is a problem-solving skill that is not only useful when learning coding languages but can also be helpful when kids will need creative solutions to real-life problems.

Problem-solving and tolerance of failure

When kids learn to code, they will make lots of mistakes. They will soon learn to see these as opportunities to get better rather than failures.

Coding languages for self-confidence and motivation

While learning coding languages kids become significantly more self-confident and motivated from the fact that they know how to solve complex problems.

Mathematic and complex thinking

During coding, we often use the help of mathematics. However, it doesn't mean that coding languages suit only those who are maths geniuses. Coding languages help to understand abstract mathematical concepts, through real and graphic visual examples. During coding, the continuous application and practicing of mathematics knowledge acquired from the school can also positively influence kids' school performance.

Perseverance and concentration

The process of learning coding requires continuous concentration and attention. As kids learn to make more elaborate codes and spend more time finding and fixing complex problems, they can develop their perseverance and concentration skills.


When using coding languages, kids must give precise commands to the computer, in the right order. In the written program languages, one missing comma or misspelled command can lead to the computer not understanding what we want from it and our program will not work.


Working with coding languages is fundamentally a creative activity, as the same problem can be solved in many different ways. There are always better solutions that's why kids are encouraged during the learning process to try new solutions and find new ways, which unleashes their inner creativity.

Analytical thinking

In most cases, the bigger the task, the easier it is to procrastinate and avoid it altogether. Kids can also learn how they should break down complex problems into smaller, more easily solvable subtasks.

Planning and implementation

A programmer doesn't only “work” whenever sitting in front of the computer writing codes. To solve the increasingly complex problems, the search and planning of possible answers are ongoing, and all those possibilities can be implemented and tested until the correct solution is found.

coding languages positively stimulate children's brains in countless ways
Get your kids involved

As we move towards a tech-reliant world, coding and the all-around skills that come with it are going to become essential for kids to succeed. At Logiscool we teach coding in a fun-based way that puts kids into the creator seat giving them a competitive advantage in their lives. Check out our course selection to get your kid involved in the exciting world of coding: