Mom of a little boy, Logiscool Budaörs
My child's knowledge in mathematics has become more stable since attending Logiscool. They're not just randomly pressing keys to shoot things, but actually learning and spending their time productively.

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Fordított nap a Logiscoolban!
March 27, 2024

Légy gyerek egy napra a Logiscoolban!

Gyere el a Fordított Napunkra és tapasztald meg a Logiscool élményt! A Fordított Napot azoknak a szülőknek tartjuk, akik meg szeretnék érteni, miért rajong gyermekük a számítógépes játékokért.

FONTOS: Az esemény ingyenes, de regisztrációhoz kötött.

Summer camps are now open for registration!
March 15, 2024

 More than 20 varios summer camp topics are open for now for registration!

Secure the best spots for your children now!

February 24, 2024
Summer camp super early bird campaign till 14.03

December 21, 2023
Februárban indulnak kurzusaink!

September 1, 2023
LEGO robotics course from September!

March 10, 2023
Megnyitottuk táborainkat! Early Bird kedvezmény 05.01-ig!

March 4, 2023
Új felfedező táborokkal várunk nyáron!

March 1, 2023
Nyári újdonságunk a LEGO Mindstroms robotika tábor

February 28, 2023
Megújulnak nyári táboraink szabadidős programjai

December 20, 2022
Újdonságunk: LEGO Mindstorms Robotika kurzus!

December 19, 2022
Register with your child for our Open day!

December 10, 2022
Our Digital Discovery course is the 'Best New Digital Course'!

September 20, 2022

March 15, 2022
Summer camps

February 14, 2022
Join our Digital Discovery course

January 8, 2022
Have you already tried programming? Then come learn Python, C # or Javascript with us!

December 17, 2021
We have really versatile children!

January 8, 2021
We have really versatile children!

Meet our Team!

At Logiscool Székesfehérvár, our goal is to make the knowledge of the future, including computer science, programming, and digital creation, accessible to as many children as possible. Our team not only teaches but also practices computer science on a daily basis, developing software to ensure that we provide children with not only interesting but also up-to-date knowledge with well-prepared instructors.

Our aim is to enrich them with modern knowledge, enhance their problem-solving abilities, and ensure that they enjoy their time at our school, gaining numerous achievements. We want them to enjoy their classes, teamwork, and find new friends, both boys and girls alike.

Explore Our School and Experience Innovation Firsthand!

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