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Mom of a little boy, Logiscool Budaörs
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A Python Masters kurzust befejező diákjaink február 9-én 10.00 órai kezdéssel részt vesznek a LOGISCOOL PYTHON VIZSGÁN, melynek sikeres teljesítése esetén PYTHON DIPLOMÁT szereznek! Sok sikert diákjainknak a vizsgához.

A BLOX Master, BLOX 212, BLOX 221 kurzusokat befejező diákjaink február 9-én, vasárnap 9:00 órai kezdéssel részt vesznek a LOGISCOOL BLOX VIZSGÁN. A Logiscool Vizuális Programozás vizsga célja, hogy a diákoknak lehetőséget biztosítsunk megszerzett tudásuk bemutatására, és sikeres teljesítése esetén a tudásukat igazoló hivatalos Logiscool Diploma megszerzésére.
Meet our Team!

We are proud that since the opening of our school in 2018, nearly 2,000 children have joined our courses, camps, workshops and events, learning to develop their digital competences with us, which is as important reading, numeracy or the ability to learn.
At Logiscool Újpest, we consider it important to help parents develop their children's digital literacy through problem-solving and information technology. By learning about these areas, children acquire the basic skills that are essential for their successful integration into society and the labor market.
Through experiential education, Logiscool ensures that children remain motivated to learn effectively from an early age. Every class is an experience for them, because every time they develop a new game, the programming elements are automatically understood in practice. Successfully completing their own project is an essential growth experience for them, as it gives the reassurance that they are capable of doing it it alone. It is also an essential pedagogical experience for the kids to work together with their peers and to try and find solutions together with the instructors.
In addition to the basic programming skills acquired on the Scoolcode programming platform, the older kids continue their studies with the Python and Unity programming languages. In addition to programming, they can learn video production, image editing, 3D design, application development, and a wider range of popular games like Minecraft and Roblox. Our success is shown by the fact that several of our students have been able to become lecturers after completing several years of courses.
The most important thing is that all students find a way to develop digital literacy with us, so that we can provide a personalized learning environment that maintains their motivation. This results in them becoming successful and digitally competent adults.
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