Join our Free Open Day!
Craft a brilliant future for your child!
Pave the Way for Your Child's Future Success!

Fun-based coding, AI and digital literacy courses for kids
Award-winning pedagogical quality

1st graders
Coding is the language of the future. This course teaches basic digital skills, logical and analytical thinking from the second semester of the school year.

2 - 3rd graders
Spark your kid's interest in digital literacy with coding and cutting-edge digital and AI tools, such as ChatGPT, Craiyon, Canva or MS Video Editor!

4 - 8th graders
Your child emerges as a digital world champion: mastering coding fundamentals significantly enhances essential logical skills.

9th+ graders
From visual to written code: kids become like real developers, tackling complex software projects playfully.

9th+ graders
Give your kid a chance to learn one of the most widely used programming languages in the world!

9th+ graders
Kids grasp AI fundamentals and gain insight into the world of data science and machine learning.

Said about us
The best international coding school
Үүсгэн байгуулагдсан
Digital Discovery course, Hungary

Бидний бахархдаг зүйл

Яагаад код бичих гэж?
Logiscool хүүхдүүдэд ирээдүйн "супер хүч чадлыг" хөгжилтэйгөөр сургах болно.

21-р зууны ур чадварыг хөгжүүлэх
Logiscool kids will be skillful and confident in the digital world, they become conscious and critical consumers of digital content.

Ирээдүйн мэргэжлүүдэд бэлдээрэй
Код бичих нь олон ажлын байрны энгийн шаардлага болон хувирч байна. Иймээс олон компаниуд код бичих чадвартай ажилтанг эрэлхийлж байна.

Тоглоомд суурилсан сургалт
Unlike conventional schools, Logiscool provides a supportive community for tech education, where trainers have cutting-edge technological expertise.
Give your kid a chance to acquire unbeatable digital and academic skills!

Apply for an Open day!
Discover the award-winning Logiscool method as your kid creates their first computer game!